Thursday 7 February 2019

Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning:
Insert Catchy Project Title

Project Overview:

Describe the project here. What will students do?  What will students learn? How will students present their project?


·         List learning and content standards here
·         List learning and content standards here
·         List learning and content standards here


·         List objectives here
·         List objectives here
·         List objectives here


Task 1 Outline the project requirements. What task(s) should the students complete?
Task 2
Task 3

Record your notes/research here:

This is where students can record their ideas and research as they gather the information needed to complete their project.

Outline the steps/plan for your project:

After students complete any research necessary, this is where they will create a plan for their project. Consider requiring teacher approval before they continue to the creation/implementation phase of the project.

Teacher initials ____________

You are ready to create your project! Please revisit the project tasks/requirements as you work.

Summarize what you learned:

Possible student prompts: What did you learn? What worked well? What was the most challenging aspect of this project? What will you do differently next time?

Add the link to your project here:

Link to access project

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